As a valuable tool every GNSS OEM and system integrator should have in their toolbox, Trimble CenterPoint RTX keeps users reliably on point, whether employed as a primary correction method or as a backup to other RTK solutions, such as Trimble VRS Now service.
Choosing the right correction solution is crucial for any job, and Trimble CenterPoint RTX offers a compelling option for OEMs and system integrators whose projects require high-precision GNSS positioning. If you've been wondering when or how you'd benefit from Trimble CenterPoint RTX, here are five ways it can boost your productivity across different workflows.
1. Your integration requires high accuracy.
Trimble CenterPoint RTX convergence time is less than one minute in select areas and less than three minutes globally on ProPoint receivers. These multi-frequency, multi-constellation, ProPoint GNSS receiver models will deliver 2 cm horizontal, and 5 cm vertical accuracy (both values RMS) within this convergence time. This caters to all application needs, ensuring precision in every component, from autonomous systems to high-accuracy mapping solutions. This can be incredibly important for, say, heavy machines that perform highly precise, repetitive tasks in a safe and predictable manner under harsh conditions, such as a mining drill rig that creates holes with exacting precision.
2. You need full redundancy to complement your RTK methods.
Trimble CenterPoint RTX can be used as positioning insurance by extending the Trimble xFill service on your receiver, allowing you to continue working at centimeter-accuracy in your local coordinate system indefinitely (or until your primary correction is restored). It is not affected by radio or cellular signal interruptions or unexpected disturbances such as RTK-network outages or compromised base stations. The seamless interoperability between RTK and RTX through internally calculated datum transformations provides the benefits of RTK and RTX working in harmony. Time- and spatially-sensitive applications such as autonomous berthing vessels rely on uninterrupted, real-time correction data so that their passengers’ safety won’t be jeopardized.
3. You work in remote locations.
While CenterPoint RTX can be received via the Internet, it can also be received from a geostationary satellite over L-band (as long as you have line of sight to the satellite). You never lose the accuracy you need in the field, no matter where you are. This allows true mobility, making it an equal or easier option for a wide range of integration projects such as working over large geographic areas, remote job sites, or outside the VRS footprint. Dredging vessels make use of CenterPoint RTX to establish their position, while their underwater sensors work in concert to maintain consistent elevation at the sea floor. These vessels have to work globally, and depend on the availability of the CenterPoint RTX correction, as well as the consistent datum it provides.

4. Your project demands frequent changes of location, such as covering a large geographic area.
With CenterPoint RTX correction service, users are not tied to limited areas as with terrestrial correction sources and can stay on a consistent datum and coordinate system. Your rover and CenterPoint RTX move as fast as you move, eliminating worries about VRS availability, cellular coverage, base station radio range, or PPM error components when traveling away from the base and increasing your baseline distance.
5. You need to work fast or deploy resources more efficiently.
CenterPoint RTX allows you to use all your receivers as rovers and maximize the efficiency of your crew in the field. With fast convergence time, work can start as soon as you step onto the field. Efficiency is key for agriculture projects that use robotics or off-road vehicles to optimize coverage path planning, to reduce unwanted gaps or overlaps in product distribution.
Trimble CenterPoint RTX can accompany a wide range of OEM GNSS receiver modules. For a comprehensive look at how the service works, the difference between RTX and RTK, its reliability and more, review our Frequently Asked Questions document, or contact us to learn how a 1-year trial can upgrade your performance today.
Learn more about Trimble CenterPoint RTX.